Adaptation Planning, Vulnerability Assessment and Climate Change: A primer for Dominica, St Lucia and St Vincent & the Grenadines
Image Science and Analysis Laboratory,
NASA-Johnson Space Center. 18 Mar. 2005.
"Earth from Space - Image Information."The impacts of climate change can go a long way as to bring about the most adverse effects on the economic and social landscapes of some vulnerable countries; and to date the best feasible alternatives toward analysis and planning vis-à-vis the upheavals linked to Global Climate change comes with the inputs of a methodological mix that casts together vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning and capacity development.
As a matter of fact, for such an approach to take solid grounds, planners and decision-makers have to reconcile, and harmonize institutional arrangements (regional/national levels), capacity development approaches (monitoring & evaluation, economic valuation, management of information systems) and advocacy strategies about climate change on the political sceneries. Thus, process that if properly followed through can translate itself into positive flows to sustain learning and best practices.
And going back to an announcement that took place not so long ago, the Caribbean through the implementation of a joint program between the World Bank, the Commonwealth of Dominica, St Lucia, and St Vincent & the Grenadines (see Project Details) entered this platform with a focus that will certainly define the dissemination of regional modeling techniques, adaptation policies and their relevance in terms of sustainable development strategies to move comprehensive frameworks to link up vulnerability and medium term investment practices.