Tuesday, March 28, 2006
by Stephen Cummings
Caribbean Net News Trinidad Correspondent
Email: stephen@caribbeannetnews.com
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad: Trinidad's Prime Minister Patrick Manning says the country is likely to achieve full employment status for its people by the end of the year. The Prime Minister was speaking at a conference under the theme: A Nationalist Party in the Age of Globalization.
The conference was organized by the National Association for the Empowerment of African People (NAEAP) at the Centre of Excellence in Macoya Trinidad. "When I became Prime Minister for the first time, the unemployment level in the country was 20.3 percent.
The Minister of Planning and Development announced that the unemployment today is 6.7 percent – below 7 percent for the first time ever in the country's history and heading for another that got me into very hot waters in 1995 when I talked about full employment. "We are likely to achieve full employment this year precisely what we were told then was not possible", said the Prime Minister.
According to the Prime Minister a boom in the country's construction industry, and expanding production capacities in oil and gas, along with the government's prudence in economic management have brought the wealth now being experienced.
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