Tilburg helps unemployed persons getting a job in Curacao
CURACAO – The city of Tilburg is going to help 15 Antillean persons between the age of 17 and 27 that cannot find a job in the Netherlands, to get one in Curacao. For the time being this will be a two-year experiment. About 100 to 150 young Antilleans move to Tilburg on an annual basis. Some have problems finding a job or integrate in the society.
The city wants to help this group and create an alternative via the return home project. For this, Tilburg is going to work together with the re-integration company Hudson that has developed a program that lasts 6 months max and that guarantees young Antilleans a job.
City councilor Gon Mevis (Labour market and Social Affairs) indicated that only motivated persons that have been living in the Netherlands for quite some time already and that think that they may have a better chance in the Antilles, will qualify for the experiment. “There are conditions attached to this experiment though, same as with re-integration in the Netherlands.
The experiment will be stopped immediately if the participant does not cooperate.”
The persons are selected with the cooperation of Direkshon and the Regiepunt Jongeren. In order to qualify for the experiment, the persons must have been living in Tilburg for at least one year. During the experiment, they get the possibility to gain work experience via a work placement.
The experiment starts in the Netherlands, where they will be prepared for the re-integration in the Antilles. Hudson takes care of temporary accomodation, living acompaniment, coaching, and counciling towards a permanent job in the Antilles. The experiment costs 14.000 euro per person, which includes cost of living and housing.