Tuesday, March 28, 2006
The Agricultural Society’s third annual Awards and Appreciation Ceremony took place at the Stacy Watler Agricultural Pavilion in Lower Valley. Minister of Agriculture, Hon Kurt Tibbetts, spoke about the progress that agriculture had made over the past year, as evidenced by the impressive display of animals, fruits and vegetables at the Agricultural Show on Ash Wednesday.
Mr Tibbetts went on to praise farmers for their efforts in livestock and crop improvement: “I am totally certain farming is alive and well, and I am confident about next year’s show,” he said. Mr Tibbetts also commended the Agriculture Department in their commitment to offering assistance to farmers.
He also spoke of a new Agro-Tourism scheme, and encouraged farmers to attend a special meeting to discuss it on 10 April. “We are going to see the project through…and end up with a project we can all be proud of,” he commented.
As he ended his speech, Mr Tibbetts confirmed his ministry’s commitment to encouraging and supporting farmers. After everyone enjoyed eating the locally produced and prepared food, a practical reminder of what the Cayman Islands can produce, the trophies were awarded.
Errol Watler, President of the Cayman Islands Agricultural Society began by presenting an award to Prison Director, Dwight Scott, for the participation of the prisons. There followed awards of appreciation for the continued support of the K9 dog-handlers demonstration team.
The Cayman Islands Boy Scouts Association, the Seventh Day Adventist Pathfinders, and Savannah, North Side, and Red Bay Primary Schools also gained appreciation awards. The Award of Long Service and Dedication went to Mr and Mrs Neals Godfrey, for their 20 years of dedicated service to the management of the gate on the day of the Agricultural Show.
The Awards for the Most Consistent Schools’ Agricultural Programme were won by Cayman Brac High School for their Hydroponics and Aquaculture Programmes, and the Lighthouse School for their ‘Grow Box’ project. Shirley Ann Tibbetts presented the awards for the best District stalls. The first place went to East End, second place to North Side, and the third place went to George Town.
North Side farmers William and Zelmalee Ebanks gained several trophies during the evening, including Champion Exhibitor of Fruits and Champion Exhibitor of Vegetables. Zelmalee Ebanks also gained another award, along with Adelaide Ebanks: ‘Champion Exhibitor of Home Products.’
Dr Alfred Benjamin, Chief Agricultural and Veterinary Officer, then awarded trophies for livestock. John McLean Senior won trophies for both the Grand Champion Rabbit and Grand Champion Bull. The trophy for Champion Poultry, Male, went to Lascelles Johnson and the trophy for Champion Poultry, Female was presented to Lloyd Ramoon.
The trophy for Grand Champion Goat went to Iverston Ebanks, and Paul Bodden won the trophy for Grand Champion Cow, one of several other trophies that he gained during the evening. Livestock Farmer of the Year trophy for Grand Cayman went to Kent Rankin, and Dwayne McFarlane won the Cayman Brac trophy.
Grand Cayman Crop Farmer of the Year trophy went to Kenneth Billings, while Merchirito Chantilope took the trophy for Cayman Brac. Finally, and most fittingly the largest, most spectacular trophy of all, went to William Ebanks, for being the Most Outstanding Farmer of the Year. The organizers of the Agricultural Show have also announced the raffle winners.