Mon Mar 27, 2006
EU/Caribbean negotiations attract protest for development
Tuesday major protest action is planned for Barbados to coincide with ongoing negotiations between Europe and the Caribbean for a new Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
The EPA will define Europe's future relationship with its former colonies beyond 2007.
To coincide with the fifth meeting of the principal negotiators in Bridgetown, Barbados this week, the Caribbean Policy Development Centre is bringing in several farmers from the region to protest.CPDC spokeswoman, Chantel Munroe Knight, says they want to send a strong message that development must come first in the EPA negotiations.
Meanwhile, the European Union's lead negotiator, Karl Falkenberg, has sounded a warning to the Caribbean.He says the removal of preferences is inevitable.
The Caribbean wants the EU to retain preferential arrangements on the European market.
But Mr. Falkenberg says while the region will continue to have market access, the Caribbean needs to be more competitive.
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