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Wednesday, March 29, 2006 

Poverty and Growth: Where To?

In the heated debates over the relationships between poverty and growth, arguments have been lined up to engage these perspectives along with more comprehensive and aggressive agendas in Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS).
These elements point out to the facts that adequate growth relies heavily upon strong control mechanisms to contain increases in poverty levels in relation to growth and GDP.

However, to further expand these issues, it remains essential to look upon certain determinants within the process of growth, and how dynamics in macro-economic stabilization programs might impede upon the delivery and provisions of social programs, as these latter components can be crucial to guarantee the implementation or orientations of pro-poor policies, and their impacts on redistributive schema.

In the lights of these debates, a recent publication by the World Bank takes as case study the region of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), where discussions underline the complexities in the relationships between poverty and growth, and mostly the need to look upon these elements with pragmatism when assessing and evaluating the impacts of pro-growth strategies, and public expenditure programs.

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  • From United States
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