Following a detailed study of the disaster management landscape in the Caribbean region and a CDERA and partners driven desire to transform programming efforts in this arena, the Caribbean Strategy on Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) was launched in 2001.
This move completed the formal process of transitioning from a hurricane focused response planning to a more holistic integrated planning approach to achieve risk reduction in the region.
Lead by CDERA, the CDM Strategy has been successfully promoted and formally endorsed, recommended and adopted at the regional, national, sectoral and agency levels across the region. At this juncture where CDERA is poised to launch into its regional programming framework 2005 – 2015 it is opportune to review the CDM experience to date and determine challenges and successes to inform an enhanced Strategy for going forward.
To do this CDERA will convene a three day CDM Seminar which will bring together all stakeholders and partners in Barbados March 8 – 10, 2006. CDERA in conjunction with a team of National, Regional and International collaborators will plan and organise the CDM Seminar which will be used a building block towards the proposed and much anticipated Annual CDM Conference.
The main theme for the Seminar is “Achieving Risk Reduction through Comprehensive Disaster Management”. The effect of implementing CDM since 2001 and its impact on achieving or contributing to Risk Reduction will be examined.
To evaluate the experience a suite of presentations will be made on the outcomes of Institutional Audits and Country Assessments completed over the period complemented by Partner experiences in transforming their own programming.
The experiences and lessons learnt will be noted to inform an enhanced CDM Strategy for the Caribbean Region linked to the Regional Programming Framework and the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005 – 2015. The Seminar will feature topics and discussions on:
°WCDR & Its Linkages to the CDM Agenda
°Transforming CDM from a Regional Strategy and Framework to National Action
°Revisiting CDM – New Strides in the Regional Disaster Management Landscape
°Risk Reduction Strategy and Tools Developed
°Agenda for an Enhanced CDM Strategy
Proposed Programme: