Mittal Sr among sponsors of UN Youth Leadership Summit
New York, March 5. (PTI): Ispat Group chairman Mohan Lal Mittal, father of global steel tycoon L N Mittal, is among the three sponsors for the UN Youth Leadership Summit to be held here in October this year.
Mittal Sr will also head the Council of Mentors that will bring together prominent global leaders for preparations of the summit, which will mobilise youth leaders from 191 member countries to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
Sun Microsystems Vice President and Chief Researcher John Gage and Japanese foundation Inner Trip Reiyukai International president Hiroshi Matsumoto are the other council members and sponsors for the event, a UN statement said.
The decision on organising the Summit was taken at a meeting of youth delegates from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Caribbean at the United Nations office here.
The meeting for the Summit was jointly organised by the UN Office of Sport for Development and Peace and a city-based NGO Global Peace Intiative of Women.
The Summit would include participation by two youth leaders in the age group of 18 to 30 from each country, who will be nominated by their UN country offices.
Sun Microsystems would be the technology partner for the Summit and would power the website and link delegates.
The Youth Summit would be the culmination of a series of regional meetings held in Japan and Senegal in 2004 and in Morrocco, Brazil and Caribbean last year.
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