This publication documents IFAD's experiences in gender mainstreaming in Latin America and the Caribbean. It describes why gender mainstreaming is important to the region, plots the development of the Fund's integrated gender approach and highlights key strengths and weaknesses of the ongoing process. More specific sector approaches and tools are discussed along with future directions and a case study in El Salvador
Introduction (PDF Format 935KB)
I. The Importance of a Gender Perspective (PDF Format 990KB)
II. Evolving Approaches to Gender (PDF Format 526KB)
III. Entry Points and Instruments for Gender Mainstreaming (PDF Format 2,946)
IV. Sector-Specific Approaches (PDF Format 32KB)
V. PROSGIP Impact and Recommendations (PDF Format 1,071KB)
VI. Mainstreaming Gender in the Design of the Rural Development Project for the Central Region of El Salvador (PRODAP-II) (PDF Format 1,588KB)
Annexes, Abbreviations and Acronyms (PDF Format 55KB)
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