Author/Editor(s): CLADEM, UNIFEM
This publication - result of a joint work of UNIFEM and CLADEM - includes a detailed balance of the work developed in Latin American and the Caribbean to eliminate violence against women. It also presents an analysis of the results and it contains a summary of the lessons learned on actions for political incidence as well as in other areas.
The objective of the publication is to have a tool that will help to design future activities in a more accurate way that take into account the economic, cultural and geographical women's reality of the Region in order to eliminate domestic violence. Several analyses were done in the places where we interact and include the work with specific actors and institutions of the justice administration system in charge of domestic violence issues. It also includes the partnerships that were developed and the strategies that were used to achieve this objective.
Three subregional balances were done - Southern Cone, Andean Region and Central America, Mexico and the Spanish Caribbean - that were contrasted with concrete studies after the study stage was finished. Although there are some achievements, these balances were developed to learn the problems that we still have in the process of erradicating violence against women. The publication contains three balances and subregional studies on domestic violence.
This methodology allows to have a better analysis and to have a summary of the lessons learned. It also contains guidelines and recommendations for the future work on women’s rights for a life free of violence.
Web Links: Spanish versions
Part: 1
Part 2:
Publishers: CLADEM, UNIFEM
UNIFEM Office Involved in Publication: Andean Regional Office
Publication Year: 2005
Number of pages: 354