ONLY ONE SOLUTION: Change the government!
Our once vibrant economy has sunken to the bottom of the heap. St. Kitts and Nevis is now undergoing certain austerity measures as a result of its extremely high debt-to-GDP ratio of 177% and national debt of over two billion dollars (EC$2,000,000,000). The Director of Audit had sounded warning bells but Prime Minister Douglas refused to take heed. "Public Debt Me &!" was his response.
The IMF has been flashing danger signals to the men in Church Street but the Labour Government ignored the signs of impending economic disaster. Perhaps they felt shielded from danger by their personal wealth and positions of political power. Sadly, the chickens have come home to roost.
Our economy is forced to undergo structural adjustment programmes. The fuel charge is one of them. The imposed increase in electricity will create a corresponding increase in the cost of basic food items. The increased cost of living will surely create further hardship for poor people and plunge our Nation into chaos.
Prime Minister Douglas said that three jobs have been created for every job lost in the sugar industry. Can someone pinch the Prime Minister back to reality? Unemployment is still very high in the country. Many school leavers and University graduates cannot find work. Most of the former sugar workers are still without a job. So where are the 4500 jobs that were created?
Crime is still out of control. The government has no clue as to how to reduce the crime problem and it will not go away because the Labour Party has not accepted responsibility for the present crime wave we are experiencing. The seeds were sown during the period 1993 to 1995. They know who taught our children to disrespect authority, law and order. They know where the guns came from. They know why the police force is demoralized. Yet, they continue to do nothing but make fancy speeches.
The government is struggling in its own quicksand of economic mismanagement. The more it struggles to get out the deeper it sinks. It needs a rescue operation, a lifeline to economic and social revival. That lifeline is the People's Action Movement. The People's Action Movement has clearly demonstrated in the past that it has the right philosophy (Putting People First) and the right ideas to propel our Nation forward and upward.
The P.A.M. understands that our Nation demands excellence in all spheres of life. The present economic and social decline must be halted. There is only one solution: change the government! Together we can save our Nation from those who are determined to run it to the ground. We need the People's Action Movement now more than ever
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