Bermuda: Unintended Consequences in the Socio-Economic Balance between Gender!!!!
When we talk about Gender & Development, the clear emphases are to work upon the reduction of disparities between men and women and to make sure that priorities and resources are aligned together as much as possible to improve the quality of strategies and policies. These elements set in motion to counter unbalances vis-à-vis the distribution and access to opportunities and the guarantee of social inclusion.
Over the last couple of years, there have been clear recognitions of the needs to streamline gender policies in order to meet women’s needs and address structural changes toward their advancement, in efforts to curb and mitigate the effects of poverty and assure comprehensive progress in terms of development.
And with all things being equals, to address these perspectives adaptive models of policy call for the integration of measures or reforms to touch certain initiatives to provide equality in education, employment or political participation among others.
But along these routes, it is also important to stress that policy measures can also bring-in a set of unintended consequences, as they are being witnessed in Bermuda under the form of a cross-gender educational gap, where a mix in gender policy, reverses in cultural traditions and changing demographics have placed men within an unbalanced loop in terms of socio-economic distribution, see Op-ed.