Where does the Media stand in the CSME Roll-out
The role and position of the media to document various political, economic and social developments has always been envisioned as an integral tool to facilitate and educate citizens when it comes to their perceptions and attitudes about the effects of some changes on their communities.
In fact by trying to curve appropriate strategies in terms of communication and knowledge dissemination re the ongoing developments that evolve around some regional agendas, these practices are unvaluable to tackle head-on campaigns of education and at the same time assure effectiveness in regards to the historic steps and targets behind the unveiling of regional integration frameworks.
“Hoyte believes that as the region embarks on the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) "our Fourth Estate profession is pivotally positioned to play a critical role in reducing the gaps of ignorance and misunderstanding".
The argument is straightforward: Unless there's a substantial narrowing of the 'gaps of ignorance and misunderstanding' that have plagued previous plans for regional integration, the current effort in the CSME will not deliver fully on its promise.”