UNESCO Guidelines for designing terminology policies now available
12-01-2006 (Paris)UNESCO just published “Guidelines for Terminology Policies. Formulating and implementing terminology policy in language communities” that was prepared by the International Information Centre for Terminology (Infoterm).
The Guidelines address decision makers in different positions at various levels, who, for a variety of purposes, want to design, plan and implement a terminology policy, which is geared towards a conscious, systematic and controlled approach to the creation, maintenance and use of terminology in/for defined user communities.
Terminology planning has come to the fore in various countries in the world at different levels: national, regional, language community, local community, institutional or organizational level.
There are also many terminology planning activities in various professional fields such as chemistry, biology, physics, medicine, and the like. In addition, there is a terminology component to virtually all standardization and harmonization activities, whether in industry or elsewhere.
A terminology policy or strategy, especially when conceived and implemented at the national level, needs to take into account highly complex demographic, cultural, ethno-linguistic and geo-linguistic and socio-psychological factors. Infoterm, was founded in 1971 by UNESCO with the objective to support and co-ordinate international co-operation in the field of terminology.
Members are national, international and regional terminology institutions, organizations and networks, as well as specialized public or semi-public or other kind of non-profit institutions engaged in terminological activities.
Bibliographic reference: Guidelines for Terminology Policies. Formulating and implementing terminology policy in language communities / prepared by Infoterm. – Paris: UNESCO, 2005. – ix, 39 p.; 30 cm. (CI-2005/WS/4)
Contact information
° Claudio Menezes, UNESCO,
Information Society Division
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° Infoterm
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