MOU misunderstanding
The planned signing today of a new memorandum of understanding between the Jamaica government and labour unions has been delayed.
More unions are now saying they are not happy with it.
The president of the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU) Dwight Nelson has called an emergency meeting of member unions for Tuesday citing discord within the organisation over the details of the document.
In a statement Mr. Nelson said at least three major unions had indicated to him that they were not satisfied with the final draft of the agreement.
The Jamaica Teachers' Association (JTA) has also refused to sign and the Nurses Association of Jamaica (NAJ) has pulled out of the JCTU over the issue.
The government had wanted to have the new memorandum of understanding with the unions in place by April 30 when an extension to its hardship allowance expired.
The previous MOU, signed two years ago, put a tight cap on wage increases to public sector workers in exchange for maintaining 15,000 public sector jobs.