A&B to host Caribbean Environmental Forum
Saturday May 27 2006
Antigua & Barbuda will host the 3rd Caribbean Environmental Forum & Exhibition (CEF-3), in collaboration with the 12th Annual Wider Caribbean Waste Management Conference (ReCaribe) at the Grand Royal Antiguan Beach Resort on 5 – 9 June.
This event is being organized by the Caribbean Environmental Health Institute, with support from a broad-based local organizing committee and a number of regional and international partners.
The five day conference is expected to attract some 200 participants involved in the field of environmental management, environmental health, policy-makers responsible for the environment and technical officers from around the region.
The objective of the conference is to present an opportunity for networking and partnership arrangements among a wide and diverse group of people and institutions, concerned with or involved in the environment and development.
The Conference will also expose the region to new and relevant environmental technologies and products; provide a regional forum for presenting and discussing issues related to Small Island Developing States and act as a regional arena for bringing together key Caribbean and international stakeholders to discuss issues and share experiences related to the environment and development.
Some of the topics that the delegates will be discussing include Sustainable Energy practices such as wind, solar and biofuels, integrated water and coastal zone management, Green Governance and green Events: Implications for Cricket World Cup 2007; Waste Management, including Solid, Liquid and Hazardous wastes; and Management of Technological Waste
During the opening ceremony Honorary President of the Caribbean Environmental Forum and Health Minister, John Maginley, will give the welcoming remarks while Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer will give the official opening address.
The Premier of Bermuda, W. Alexander Scott will be one of the high-level guests and will deliver a Keynote presentation. Minister of State in St. Kitts/Nevis Nigel Carty will also be attending and will deliver a Keynote address on Energy Security.
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