New World Bank Report:
Information and Communications for Development 2006: Global Trends and Policies

The volume discusses ICT trends in developing countries – covering issues such as infrastructure financing, the importance of public-private partnerships and effective competition to extending access, foreign investment trends, and the role of ICT in doing business.
For example, the report shows that developing country firms that use ICT grow faster, invest more, and are more productive than those that do not. It also stresses the importance of successfully transitioning to well-regulated and competitive service provision in order to attract needed investment.
The report includes an annex of 144 economy at-a-glance tables. These tables provide a snapshot of the ICT sector's structure and performance in economies around the globe.
For more on the report see:
° Report overview
° Chapter 2: Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunications in Developing Countries
° Chapter 4: The Role of ICT in Doing Business
° Summary of main findings
° Regional highlights, by topic
° Audio and video interviews with experts
° Purchase information

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