UK firm to conduct study of Antigua-Barbuda education sector
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
ST JOHN’S, Antigua: Cambridge Education Limited, a United Kingdom consultancy firm, has won the tender to undertake a broad-based European Union funded education sector study for Antigua and Barbuda.
Making the disclosure Ambassador Dr Clarence Henry, the National Authorizing Officer for the European Development Fund (EDF) programme, expressed satisfaction over the selection and indicated that two representatives from Cambridge Education, Alan Kaye and Robert Castley will be mobilized within the next few days to commence the assignment.
Among the objectives of the study is the preparation of an education sector plan that will provide a road map for the delivery of a coherent, integrated and high quality educational service now and into the future.
“The expectation is that the plan will be suitable for use on a national level as well as for the purpose of accessing external financing and should focus on strengthening institutional capacity, improving access to quality of education at all levels,” according to Ambassador Henry.
Of particular importance, he said, will be the production of a work plan for the amalgamation of the three public tertiary education institutions - Antigua State College, Antigua and Barbuda Hospitality Training Institute and the Antigua and Barbuda International Institute of Technology.
“The consultancy will be required to review existing policies and standards regarding tertiary education, effective delivery of the curriculum, minimum facilities required for the executive of this task, structure of the tertiary education system, the number and locations of new departments required at the tertiary level, and design of a 16 month work programme to culminate in the amalgamation of the three public tertiary institutions,” he said.
Other aspects of the study includes recommendations on the organizational structure at all levels, staffing needs and training programmes, Faculty Manual, Draft Legislation to govern the institution, Course Structure and Sales and Marketing Plan.
During the execution of the study, the consultants are expected to organise a series of stakeholder meetings, as well as, a workshop at the Draft Final Report stage in collaboration with the Ministry of Education to discuss major findings arising from the review of the sector.
The framework consultancy is being financed under the Technical Cooperation Facility (TCF).
Cambridge Education is also executing the EU project designed to strengthen Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Antigua and Barbuda which involves infra-structural expansion, procurement of equipment and capacity building at the Tomlinson campus of the Antigua and Barbuda Institute of Continuing Education (ABICE) as well as refurbishment of the engineering workshop at the ASC.