$9-m road rehabilitation project for Clarendon community
Monday, April 17, 2006
A contract valued at $8.8 million was signed last week between the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) and the Treadlight Youth and Community Club in Clarendon, for the rehabilitation of 1.6 kilometers of roadway in that community.
Grace Ann Miller, human resources manager at JSIF, speaking at the signing ceremony, said the work would include scarifying or digging up the present road surface, and resurfacing the road as well as installing curbs and channels.
"We at JSIF know that when a community's roads are in good repair, much can be achieved that can have a tremendous impact on the economic growth of the community as productivity, employment and access to social infrastructure is greatly increased," she said.
Miller pointed out that JSIF was partnering with the Ministry of Local Government and Environment as well as the Treadlight Youth and Community Club to complete the project, for which the total cost is estimated at $9.5 million.
She commended the Youth and Community Club for exceeding the minimum 11 per cent contribution of the total cost required by JSIF from the community for approval of the project, and noted that the community's contribution included providing discounted labour, storage and security for construction materials and equipment, bushing of the road embankment and overhang, and the provision of land for the site office and shed, among other things.
Approximately 1,200 people in the community are expected to benefit from the project, which is scheduled to be completed in four months. The work will be carried out by Build Rite Construction Company Limited.Jervis Knight, President of the Treadlight Youth and Community Club told JIS News that the new roads would be very helpful to the community.
"Most persons are having problems with transportation, people have to be buying parts for their cars more frequently, and are buying shoes more often. The ponds in the road and on the embankment will also disappear, and this will improve the level of health and sanitation. There are a few farmers here as well and they will be better able to transport their produce," Knight said.
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