SAN JUAN (EFE) – New Progressive Party Rep. Albita Rivera announced Sunday that she will collect the signatures of her fellow legislators to demand from Gov. Aníbal Acevedo Vilá the payment of the alleged debt of approximately $200 million that the central government has with the municipality of San Juan.
She also said it is necessary to "illustrate" to the legislators so that they understand where the debt comes from.
"Definitely, some colleagues such as [Popular Democratic Party Rep.] Jorge Colberg do not know the details of the budget and are responding to attacks like members of the Squadron [of Overseeing San Juan] to divert the reality of the debt," the representative said.
Rivera’s statements were in response to Colberg’s statements that the debt in question doesn’t exist and that Santini is using it as an "excuse to cover his administrative disaster".
Rivera said San Juan recently sued the Municipal Collection Center (CRIM by its Spanish acronym) for the payment of more than $60 million in valuations performed and announced that in the next few days similar lawsuits will be presented.