Promote positive and healthy life choices
Friday April 21 2006
do not live in a vacuum. Where will it end? No more cable?
No more Internet? Cut the signals of radio stations from neighbouring islands? We don’t travel because we might become exposed to the corruption of the outside world? Unrealistic! No, what we need to do is have balance in the media; use it to also promote positive and healthy life choices.
As a media worker who is regularly threatened for being part of an organisation that provides open access to the airwaves, I get wary when there’s talk of censorship, no matter how well-intentioned.
When ministers of government publicly malign WINN FM’’s call-in programmes, when there are other stations that host them too, it concerns me. When a senior government official recently went off on a tirade about WINN FM to a group of other public fora and tells people that they shouldn’t listen to WINN FM, that our standard of broadcasting is “deplorable”, it concerns me.
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