Friday 21 April 2006
Chair in criminology at UNA
CURACAO/ROTTERDAM – The city councils of Rotterdam and Amsterdam are going to finance a chair in criminology at the University of the Neth.Antilles (UNA). The professor that’s going to get the function will have to do research on the relationship between the living situation in the Antilles and the problems of Antillean youth in the Netherlands.
For four years, the City Council in Rotterdam will make 25.000 euro available for the research. According to the spokesperson for Rotterdam, Amsterdam will contribute with the same amount of money. When Mayor Ivo Opstelten (VVD) of Rotterdam and Alderman Ahmed Aboutaleb (PvdA) of Amsterdam visited the Antilles late last year, they came up with the idea of the chair. “Of course there has been a lot of research done in the Netherlands on the problems of and with the Antillean youngsters, but there was always a blind spot in the research, the background situation in the Antilles where they have spent part of their youth.
We would like to know if that has influence on the problems here and if so, how”, said the spokesperson.
The Erasmus University, a university in Amsterdam, the above City Councils, and the rector in the Antilles will deliberate on the precise interpretation of the chair. The appointment will take place in the course of this year. There is no candidate yet.