St. John´s, Apr 20 (Prensa Latina) Baldwin Spencer, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, advised the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States to examine the potential advantages of PETROCARIBE and use its benefits.
Baldwin Spencer, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda.
Spencer noted the skyrocketing prices of fuel on the world market, due to the conflicts in several producing countries, and said "our region will always feel the effects, but PETROCARIBE offers us alternative access to the market," according to the Antigua Sun newspaper.
PETROCARIBE representatives met in Antigua and Barbuda Tuesday to analyze progress and other regional issues with OECS, mostly how the regional organization will carry out the collaboration with Venezuela.
In January´s meeting in Jamaica, PETROCARIBE leaders decided to continue coordination for such actions as a single bloc.
Through this June 2005 political and commercial initiative for conservation of non-renewable resources in the area, Caracas offers crude oil and by-products to the Caribbean Community at preferential terms.
Prensa Latina