April, 23 - 5:29 AM
DR and UN sign agreements
SANTO DOMINGO. - The Dominican Government signed last Friday institutional agreements with the United Nations (UN), including democratic governability, fair growth and development, the economy’s modernization and sustainable environmental management programs.
The global amount, as established by the United Nations, ascends to US$ 100 million dollars and it will be applied within next the five years.
Technical secretary, engineer Temístocles Montás, signed representing the Dominican Republic and Mr. Niky Fabiancic, United Nations resident coordinator in the country, representing the world-wide organism.
The collaboration and assistance the UN provides to undeveloped countries, including the Dominican Republic was acknowledged by Montas.
The subscribed institutional agreement includes social and institutional programs to be executed; UN funds for Education and Childhood (UNICEF, Pan-American Health Office (OPS), United Nations for Agriculture (FAO), International Worker’s Organization (OIT), the OIM, the UNFPA, ONUSIDA and the PMA.
Mr. Tad Palac, subscribed jointly with, Temístocles Montás, five programs oriented to childhood protection and VIH prevention.
These agreements will be helpful in fortifying the social programs supported by President Fernandez’ Government, said Montas while he thanked the UN for the assistance it has provided to DR over the years.
Dominican Today - Portal Alta Tecnologia