Press Releases
February 27, 2006
Effective policies to meet the MDG agenda in the Caribbean
The IDB and the Planning Institute of Jamaica host the First Caribbean Sub-regional meeting of the Poverty Reduction and Social Protection Network of the Regional Policy Dialogue
To celebrate the first Caribbean sub-regional meeting of the Poverty Reduction and Social Protection Network of the Regional Policy Dialogue, key Caribbean policymakers met in Kingston, Jamaica on February 23 and 24 to discuss Effective Policies to Meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the Caribbean.
The meeting was hosted by the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) and received substantial support from the IDB’s Regional Department 3, demonstrating once again the Bank’s permanent commitment to actively support its borrowing countries in their efforts to adapt, implement, and monitor the MDG agenda. The Regional Technical Cooperation Division (INT/RTC) of the IDB was responsible for the general coordination of the event, with technical coordination from The Poverty and Inequality Unit (SDS/POV) .
The Meeting explored three main issues, starting with how to adapt the MDGs’ Agenda to the Caribbean context, considering the varying priorities present throughout the region. Secondly, some of the lessons learned from the Caribbean experiences to reach the MDGs were discussed, particularly, which sectors or programs have proven effective in reaching specific MDG goals in the region. Finally, the policymakers addressed ways to expand the availability and use of macro data to monitor the MDGs in the Caribbean.
Also available in: Español
* More Information:
Poverty Reduction and Social Protection Network
Millennium Development Goals