Gender, Development, and Advocacy
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SERIES: Focus on Gender
ISBN: 0855985526 STOCK CODE: 00255527
FORMAT: Paperback (pp: 112) 245 x 190mm
PRICE: £9.95
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Advocacy for gender equality occurs at all levels of society - from grassroots women demanding community-level change, to coalition-building to promote change to international trade laws. Articles in this collection chart the experience and successes of gender equality advocates from contexts including Pakistan, Australia, and southern Africa.
Editorial- Advocacy training by the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS- A guide to feminist advocacy- Politics at work: transnational advocacy networks and the global garment industry- The African Women's Protocol: a new dimension for women's rights in Africa- Advocacy for an end to poverty, inequality, and insecurity: feminist social movements in Pakistan- Gender networking and advocacy work in Uganda: controlling the agenda and strategies of resistance- A voice of our own: advocacy by women with disability in Australia and the Pacific- Resources: Publications- Websites- Electronic resources- Organisations