ICT.... Double Jeopardy or Key to Transformational and Comprehensive Development for the CARICOM
Oh la la, shy steps for me as I'm trying to get back on tracks with this blog. I have to confess though that running a blog is not a small matter, a lot having to deal with time and motivation.
But.... as I couldn't let go, here I am stepping back into the fora. And as a best way to re-fashion these dialogues, I've directed my attention toward this piece by Martin Henry where he cuts through the web of ICT and the multiple dynamics that construct the process of Capacity Development.
Thus, traveling within the Caribbean context we find ourselves exploring the gospels of structuralist and developmentalist thoughts with some constant imaging in mind, which are the relationships behind classic approaches to address community needs and values, and how to decipher and apply the best alternatives to carry-out sustainable and comprehensive development strategies.
Tags: ICT4D
technology and society
Capacity Development
Education and Literacy
Monitoring & Evaluation
Human Development