What a Piece…
A recent article raised my eyebrows and I was shaken to read these perspectives about the relationships between climate change and future poverty levels for Latin-America and the Caribbean.
“latin-America and the Caribbean face a future of devastation and poverty as climate change continues to worsen extreme weather levels in the region, it has been claimed”.
Now letting the heat cool off a bit these issues bring to the forefront the whole paradigms liaised to pollution and environment as socially constructed dynamics.
Questions: How governments should tackle this pending phenomenon? Can it be approached through the implementation of restrictions/regulations and taxations?
Through increased focus upon the expansion of community driven programs as ways to leverage inter-societal and relational perspectives to strengthen wellbeing, social capital, improve the quality of life, and tackle environmental protection?
Tags: Caribbean Development Economics Human Development Human security Environmental Protection Institutional Strengthening Community Development Climate Change Social Capital Monitoring and Evaluation Participatory Development Poverty Reduction Strategies Public Policy Sustainable development Well Being