Hooray for that One!
As some of you will see, this document named: “Annual Progress Report 2003 on National Social Policy Goals”, is not an outdated one, but rather part of an ongoing exercise in Monitoring and Evaluation gearing toward the release of the 2005 review. And as part of this process the analysis was pushed further by integrating a gender analysis (updated in April 2006) in its core, in order to demonstrate and link up government policies with gender dynamics, and indicators to measure progress in social development. This is an interesting initiative that will certainly enlarge discussion, in the comparisons of composite measures in gender inequality with other ongoing works about the GDI (Gender Development Index), GEM (Gender Empowerment Measure) and policy responses vis-à-vis the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), PRSPs among others.
Tags: Capacity Building Caribbean Development Human Development Monitoring and Evaluation Policy Making PRSP Gender and Development Jamaica Institutional Strengthening Gender Analysis Social Policy Rural Development Sustainable development MDGs