Capacity Building Programme for Local GovernmentThe ODPM and LGA established the capacity building programme in April 2003, as part of a three-year initiative to support improvement in local government.The ODPM and LGA established the capacity building programme in April 2003, as part of a three-year initiative to support improvement in local government. The overall programme is aimed at enhancing and developing the Council's confidence, leadership and skills to advance improvement as well as developing their capacity to learn, innovate and share knowledge and expertise about what works and how.
This formulises the introduction of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment. Additional funding was secured in the Spending Review 2004, which has extended the programme to 2008. This has provided the opportunity to take a longer-term look at capacity building in local government. The focus is on developing the corporate capacity of councils, and the programme seeks to strengthen and expand existing initiatives, pilot new models and approaches, and provide funding for new initiatives.
The majority of resources are directed to the national framework of programmes, which are accessible to all councils and has seven themes: peer support support for improvement planning leadership and change management middle managers' development recruitment and retention support for specific skills support for district councils
Capacity Building