Ministry of Health
Imbert: People can make a difference to health service
Members of the public will have the opportunity to air their views on the health service at a National Consultation scheduled for the Hilton Trinidad on 5th-6th August 2002. Theme of the consultation is "The Health Sector Reform Programme - The Way Forward". Starting time on both days is 8.00 a.m.
This consultation is part of the process of dialogue initiated by the Ministry of Health and involving health care professionals, other stakeholders and the general public. It is part of the Ministry's plan to extend the Health Sector Reform Programme (HSRP).
The HSRP, which began in 1996, has resulted in the building of health centres and the upgrading of existing ones as well as the introduction of the Emergency Health Services (EHS) ambulance facility. But much more needs to be done and the Ministry of Health is seeking the input of a wide cross-section of the national community in the task of charting the way forward.
The Ministry is asking interested persons and organisations to submit memoranda on any aspect of the health service to the Ministry of Health, Corner Independence Square and Duncan Street, Port-of-Spain, or e-mail to
Members of the public will also have a chance at the Consultation to tell Health Minister Colm Imbert and other Ministry officials what they think about the system and suggest ways to improve it. "We have a lot of work to do," said Minister Imbert. "We want to hear from the people what their real needs and concerns are."
To register for this Consultation please call 623-0615