European, Caribbean and Latin American leaders
attend Vienna Summit (137/2006)
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, MAY 9TH 2006 (CUOPM) – St. Kitts and Nevis will be represented at the Fourth European Union - Latin America and Caribbean (EU-LAC) Summit on Friday, May 12th and Saturday, May 13th in Vienna, Austria.
The Federation’s Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas is will be among 66 Presidents and Prime Ministers from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean attending the Summit, which traditionally plays an important role in the partnership between both regions.
Twelve agenda items: Democracy and Human Rights; Strengthening the multilateral approach to fostering peace, stability and the respect for international law; Terrorism; Drugs and organised crime; Environment (including disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness); Energy; Association. agreements, regional integration, trade connectivity (investment, infrastructure, information society); Growth and employment; The fight against poverty, inequality and exclusion; Development co-operation and international financing for development; Migration; and Knowledge sharing and human capacity building: higher education, research, science and technology, culture are areas in which both sides have reached a consensus and are expected to be reflected in the Declaration at Vienna.
According to a Summit official, “the issues will be tackled with a view of having a frank and deep dialogue on the current challenges and possible future implications in the bi-regional framework. Both sides will be particularly careful of the possibilities of concrete follow-up activities at operational level.”
The first ever EU/LAC Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1999, the second in Madrid, Spain in 2002 and the third, in Guadalajara, Mexico in 2004.
Prime Minister Douglas is accompanied by Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Her Excellency Ambassador, Roslyn Hazelle; Ambassador at the Brussels-based Embassies of the Eastern Caribbean States and Missions to the European Communities, His Excellency George Bullen; Miss Shelly Ross-Chadderton of the Brussels Embassy and Press Secretary to the Prime Minister Mr. Erasmus Williams.
Photo: St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas. (Photo by Erasmus Williams)
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