May 18, 2006
IDB Fund approves $600,000 grant for program to support civil society organizations that promote transparency and accountability
Initiative will help combat corruption in public and private sector activities
The Inter-American Development Bank’s Multilateral Investment Fund announced today the approval of a $600,000 grant for a program to support targeted projects of civil society organizations to increase transparency in public and private sector economic activities.
Resources will support projects and help disseminate successful initiatives. A Regional Fund for the Promotion of Transparency (FONTRA) will be created to cover activities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

“This program will help reduce the economic cost of corruption, resulting in direct savings to society,” said IDB Team Leader Daniel Shepherd. “It should also contribute to better government and private business practices and help level the playing field for private sector operations with improved efficiency, promoting a more equitable economic development,” he added.
The program will be presented at a series of promotional events and announced online through the Internet (Visit: http://www.lasociedadcivil.org/).
The Institute for Communication and Development (ICD) will be the executing agency for the program and will benefit from support from the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF).
ICD is a non-profit civic organization founded in Uruguay in 1986 to support civil society and citizen participation by producing information and activities to promote awareness for a democratic, inclusive and equitable development based on ethics and transparency.
“An important aspect of this program will be the participation of various private companies and other donors interested in providing financial support”, said Shepherd. “One of the benefits for these companies is that by rooting out and reducing corruption, they can help to lower cost of doing business.”
“By bringing in companies and private sector associations at the national level through a consultative council, the program will attract increased support and improve its sustainability,” Shepherd added. “Increasing transparency in the participating countries will improve market functioning and the overall business climate.”
The Multilateral Investment Fund, an autonomous fund administered by the IDB, supports private sector development in Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on microenterprise and small business.
More informationFor more information please contactMIF Team LeaderPress Contact(202) 623-1718
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