More families benefit from Dominica’s squatter regularisation programme
Friday, April 21, 2006
ROSEAU, Dominica: Twenty-eight families in Stock Farm, Dominica now have the opportunity to own their land as a result of a move by the government to regularise their situation under the Squatter Regularisation Programme.
To date, 120 families have benefited from a decision by the government to regularise the situation of squatters across Dominica. This commitment to regularise the living conditions of squatters was articulated by Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit in his National Day Address on November 3, 2005. In its manifesto for the 2005 General Election, the Dominica Labour Party promised to regularise the living conditions of squatters, “including earmarking new state owned locations for families to relocate at peppercorn rental rates”.
Under the Programme, squatters are being offered land at $1 per square foot, with the fees associated with land registration being met by the Government of Dominica. There are twenty-five squatter areas in Dominica and the Government is regularising the situation of squatters on a phased basis.
Some of the squatter areas include Gutter East, Fond Cole, Ravine Bernard and Tarish Pit. In addition to the letters of allocation that have been sent out to squatters in Stock Farm, the Ministry of Housing, Lands, Telecommunications, Energy and Ports has also sent out allocation letters to some ninety-two families in Bernard Ravine, Yam Piece and Chemin Neuf informing them of their land allocations and the terms and conditions under which the lands were being offered to them.
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