The international donor community has called for the halving of global poverty by 2015. An increasing challenge to meeting this goal is reaching the poor in conflict and fragile states. While a significant body of knowledge exists on the interconnectedness of poverty and conflict, few studies analyze the links between conflict and state fragility on the one hand and state fragility and poverty on the other hand. Furthermore, little research on the inter-relatedness of these dynamics has been done at the micro-economic level.
USAID’s Office of Poverty Reduction (PR), the Households in Conflict Network (HiCN) and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) plan to co-sponsor a two-day international conference on the special challenge of poverty reduction in conflict and fragile states. Examining the relationship between conflict and state fragility at the household level provides an opportunity to understand how these factors affect household behavior, welfare and poverty. This, in turn, is important for shaping successful programmatic and policy responses.
The conference will target researchers, development practitioners, and policy-makers engaged in these issues. It is hoped that the mix of academic and experiential papers to be presented will help reduce knowledge gaps in these areas and advance both research and practice on this theme. The organizers also hope to promote increased collaboration between international researchers through this conference.
Call for papers
In addition to broad sessions led by guest speakers, the conference will include a number of parallel break-out sessions, which will focus on sub-themes. This call for papers invites submissions for papers to be presented in the break-out sessions. Submissions should address one or more of the following or related areas:
Issues/Drivers of poverty, conflict, or fragility
- inequality and social exclusion
- assets and livelihoods
- health, mortality, HIV/AIDS
- food security and nutrition- risk/vulnerability and coping strategies
- individuals, households or groups
- women, youth or children
- refugees, displaced people, returnees
- public and private institutions
- demobilization and reintegration- diaspora
- agriculture, rural development and land reform
- natural resource management
- labor and employment
- migration and remittances
- private sector recovery
- micro-finance, credit, savings, and insurance
Public Policy/Good Governance
- basic service delivery (health, infrastructure, etc.)
- national and international public goods
- community, local or national leadership
- public finance reform and the household
- security sector reform and the household
- aid and the international community
Concepts, Methods and Evaluation
- definitions and concepts of fragile states
- methodological and data issues
- ethical issues
- program evaluation and lessons learned
Potential authors include academic researchers and practitioners. Papers may be conceptual, empirical, or policy-oriented. Particular consideration will be given to submissions that discuss the inter-relatedness of poverty, conflict, and state fragility from a micro-economic perspective. Papers exploring the conceptual foundation of the term “fragile states” including how to define and measure “fragility” are also welcome.
Paper submission
Preference will be given to full papers of up to 20 pages. However, shorter draft papers or detailed proposals for papers (of 5-7 pages) will also be considered.
Submissions should be sent (with a short CV) in Word or PDF format to Christine Binzel,, no later than June 12, 2006. Authors of selected papers will be notified by June 30, 2006. Completed papers are due by September 30, 2006.