March 08, 2006
Statement from the President of the IDB on International Women’s Day
On this, my first opportunity to celebrate International Women’s Day as president of the IDB, I would like to acknowledge the enormous contributions that women make on a daily basis to our region and the Bank. Women are a bastion of the equitable and sustainable development that we all desire for Latin America and the Caribbean.
I wish to extend special greetings today to the growing number of women exerting political leadership as Heads of State and Government, parliamentarians, cabinet members and in national governments and local communities. Recognition is also due for the increasing contributions of women in the private sector and in social, cultural and other initiatives that benefit our societies.
While progress in women’s participation has been remarkable, persistent challenges remain, especially in the case of those women that confront exclusion due to their socioeconomic situation or their ethnic and racial origin. Their full inclusion is not only critical to strengthening the quality and depth of democratic governance, but also to promoting economic growth and accelerating the reduction of poverty and inequality.
The Bank has done much in this direction, but it can do more. This 8th of March I want to invite you to work with me towards a more equitable region, breaking down the barriers that restrain the full development of women as workers, entrepreneurs, mothers, leaders, citizens and agents of transmission of our cultural values. This is a goal that must engage each and every one of us working in this institution.
Finally, I would like to express my commitment to institutional change that involves more women at all levels of the Bank. I have appointed the first woman to the management of a regional operations department, and it is my intention to continue to place women in positions of leadership at the Bank.
Luis Alberto Moreno, IDB President
© 2006 Inter-American Development Bank