First Regional Implementation Forum on Sustainable Development
At its eleventh session, the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) decided that its multi-year programme of work beyond 2003 would be organized on the basis of two-year implementation cycles, with each cycle focusing on selected thematic clusters of issues.
Each 'implementation cycle' would consist of a review year and a policy year. In the review year, the Commission would evaluate progress made in implementing sustainable development goals and identifying obstacles and constraints, while in the policy year it would decide on measures to speed up implementation and mobilize action to overcome these obstacles and constraints.
The Commission furthermore invited the regional commissions of the United Nations to organize regional implementation meetings in order to provide regional inputs for the work of the Commission, preferably before the review sessions. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) are organizing the Regional Implementation Forum on Sustainable Development to be held on 19-20 January, 2006, as a regional contribution for CSD 14.
During its second two-year cycle (2006-2007), the Commission on Sustainable Development will focus on energy for sustainable development, industrial development, air pollution/atmosphere and climate change. Thus, at its fourteenth session, scheduled for 1 - 12 May 2006, the Commission on Sustainable Development will review the progress achieved in the implementation in these thematic areas.
In line with the above, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Thirtieth s Session, in July 2004, decided to organize the Regional Implementation Forum on the decisions adopted at the Johannesburg Summit and that the meeting should be convene taking into account the two-year implementation cycle oriented to action and as contribution to the work of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
The issue of partnerships and the way they relate to each theme is part of the review of implementation. This First Regional Implementation Forum will integrate the issue of partnerships in the sessions as appropriate and how these partnerships could collaborate in the implementation in each thematic issue.
At its eleventh session, the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) decided that its multi-year programme of work beyond 2003 would be organized on the basis of two-year implementation cycles, with each cycle focusing on selected thematic clusters of issues.
Each 'implementation cycle' would consist of a review year and a policy year. In the review year, the Commission would evaluate progress made in implementing sustainable development goals and identifying obstacles and constraints, while in the policy year it would decide on measures to speed up implementation and mobilize action to overcome these obstacles and constraints.
The Commission furthermore invited the regional commissions of the United Nations to organize regional implementation meetings in order to provide regional inputs for the work of the Commission, preferably before the review sessions. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) are organizing the Regional Implementation Forum on Sustainable Development to be held on 19-20 January, 2006, as a regional contribution for CSD 14.
During its second two-year cycle (2006-2007), the Commission on Sustainable Development will focus on energy for sustainable development, industrial development, air pollution/atmosphere and climate change. Thus, at its fourteenth session, scheduled for 1 - 12 May 2006, the Commission on Sustainable Development will review the progress achieved in the implementation in these thematic areas.
In line with the above, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Thirtieth s Session, in July 2004, decided to organize the Regional Implementation Forum on the decisions adopted at the Johannesburg Summit and that the meeting should be convene taking into account the two-year implementation cycle oriented to action and as contribution to the work of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
The issue of partnerships and the way they relate to each theme is part of the review of implementation. This First Regional Implementation Forum will integrate the issue of partnerships in the sessions as appropriate and how these partnerships could collaborate in the implementation in each thematic issue.
For further information, contact Mr Guillermo Acuña
or fax: (056-2) 208-0484