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Wednesday, December 21, 2005 

UNIFEM Advocacy Tour on the Optional Protocol: 2005

The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination (CEDAW) entered into force on 22 December 2000. The Protocol provides an additional mechanism for ensuring that state parties comply with their CEDAW undertakings. However, to date, of all CARICOM member states, only Belize has signed and ratified the Optional Protocol. Recognising that the Optional Protocol is an important accountability mechanism, UNIFEM will be collaborating with women’s organisations and national machineries for women/gender in organising a regional advocacy and information on the Optional Protocol. The first component of this campaign is an Advocacy Tour of at least three countries by two well-renown experts, Chancellor Desiree Bernard of Guyana and Professor Joycelin Massiah, former regional programme director, UNIFEM Caribbean Office.
Chancellor Bernard and Professor Massiah are well recognised in the areas of human rights and Caribbean social development.

Countries which are to be visited include Antigua and Barbuda, Jamaica and Barbados. During the Tour, the Experts will participate in public discussions, in media events and will hold meetings with women’s organisations and with representatives of governmental departments.

The main objective of the Tour is to bring greater visibility to and understanding of the Optional Protocol, in particular, of the importance of this international mechanism for state accountability around gender equality and non-discrimination.

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