Wednesday, December 20, 2006 

Agriculture and Poverty Reduction: Closing the Gaps in Evaluation and Policy Implementation
When looking the linkages between development and macro-economic processes one element that should not be left alone is the question of agrarian development and its fit within macro-economic analyses.
As a matter of fact, by engaging this approach, policy-makers, and analysts can have a broader understanding about the repercussions that come along with stabilization and structural adjustment policies, and the changes affecting the agrarian sector, and their impacts on the level of poverty and how certain policy models tackle matters of financial liberalization in agriculture.

In this regard by stressing the relationships between the contributions of Agriculture to GDP, Agriculture Minister, Paul Persaud (Guyana) has been urging for more comprehensive studies to examine the existing impacts of such distortions on the Guyanese economy (Correct agriculture distortion)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 

Preliminary Overviews of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

The latest release of ECLAC’s 2006 report on the state of economic growth for Latin-American and the Caribbean comes with some words of cautions about the pace and future and this expansion for the region.

Nonetheless, from all angles it appears that the current projections have been quite positive, but on the other hand for this course to provide sustainable results on the long-term, the domestic policies in place, will have to garner momentum and attentions to the evolution of global/international economy, and also target poverty reduction strategies gearing toward stronger job creations, productivity and investments.


Sunday, December 17, 2006 

December, 17 - 10:12 AM

Social security for domestic workers

SANTO DOMINGO.- The Women’s Constitutional Reform Forum is proposing that domestic work should be recognized as an economic activity that creates added value and contributes to social welfare, as part of the changes being made to the Dominican Republic’s constitution.

Full Article

Saturday, December 16, 2006 

Social Exclusion and Political Participation: The Radicalization of Political Voting

In the analysis of poverty determinants, social exclusion has become seen as a phenomenon that takes many forms with wide causes and consequences.
And within this spectrum, one element worth looking into is the concept of functionings, as it involves at times some very complex dynamics in terms of individuals’ participation in community activities.

As I mention these components, I can’t stop thinking about this one article (here) that examines two distinct factors, namely social exclusion and political participation in the Caribbean region.
As an analysis worth its weight in gold, this piece gives us one aspect to ponder in the debates about functionings and capabilities, and their valuational outcomes for economic thinking and political assessments. These elements stressing the extent to which some lack of options and uncertainties underpin an explicit way to understand the voices of the poor and their demands in terms of political governance.


Sunday, December 10, 2006 

The Growing Pain of HIV/AIDs and its Impacts on Economic Growth
The growing evidence about the impacts of HIV/AIDS on economies in developing countries has drawn a grim picture about a cycle where lower economic growth and increased poverty has fast-tracked the falls into deepening deprivations for many households and families.
And in regards to this problematique, many experts have come to conclusions and called for a dual approach toward this pandemic by matching increased investments in HIV prevention and care with adapted measures and strategies to combat poverty

In this piece (here), the reflection comes for the Caribbean where the analysis seizes on the relevance of the Universal Access Initiative, as a platform to carry-out planning and methodologies that take into account the various changes that have been moving the socio-economic landscapes in the region. A must read though.


True education is a life-long process, says PM
Career & Education

Sunday, December 10, 2006

PRIME Minister Portia Simpson Miller has emphasised that true education was a life-long process, and much more than just acquiring knowledge and competencies.

Full Article

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 

Competitiveness and Regional Integration: Where to for the Caribbean?
In the news this week, the issues of competitiveness and business development have been shaking agendas in regards to the evolution of the Caribbean region, and its futures as the CSME is gradually spreading its wings (see here).

This is quite a laudable call, considering the fact that the role of business in development is an integral component which should reflect upon the effectiveness of multi-sectoral partnerships, corporate governance, transparency and social responsibility.
And taking full advantage of these components is a way to translate rhetoric into actions by tapping into the integration of responsible approaches to steer economic competitiveness, and at the same time carry-out and adapt policy mechanisms to respond to the dynamics of poverty reduction strategies and pro-poor growth.
See also: “U.S. Seek to Boost Competitiveness of Latin America, Caribbean"

And from the PSD Blog: “St Lucia Best in Caribbean for Doing Business

Monday, December 04, 2006 

Health Enquiry resumes today
Monday, December 4 2006

THE COMMISSION of Enquiry into the Operation and Delivery of Public Health Care Services in TT will resume public sittings at 9.30 am today at the Industrial Court in Port-of-Spain.

Full Article


Sunday, December 03, 2006 

Moving toward the Common Cause
In fact the title of this small piece relates to an article in the Jamaica Observer, where the author makes the case about the implementation of the CSME, and its meaning for regional collaboration (here).

It is quite an interesting argument, and as we all know within this dynamic “making progress” under this endeavor goes along with the political will to construct effective alliances, and above all setting the right tones to open proactive sharing of ideas, and resources among all the stakeholders involved in the process. And building capacity to support the region’s evolution evolves with a good understanding and roll-out to support the transfer of knowledge in order to create opportunities for all, and growth potential for the entire region.

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  • From United States
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