Regional Public Goods (RPGs): Setting Rooms for Regional Cooperation in Latin-America and the Caribbean (LAC)
As an effort to bridge and overcome some gaps about the concept of Regional Public Goods (RPGs), the IDB has launched an initiative that aims to reinforce academic collaborations about the multi-faceted aspects of these issues.
Under a grant of US$ 600,000, this endeavor will look into the setting of collaborative patterns among countries of Latin-America and the Caribbean to stimulate the promotion of Regional Public Goods (RPGs) in matters of science, technology, education and cultural activities, see Regional Public Goods.
As a joint project between the IDB’s Initiative of Regional Public Goods and 700 universities and research centers in the LAC, this project expands the level of cooperation, and assistance between a multi-lateral development bank and regional actors to examine the various facets behind financing mechanisms and foreign assistance. A practice that could carry some viable economic benefits, and above all provide a better understanding about the role of RPGs, as resources to help strengthen capacity development, partnerships and economic integration.
Tags: Regional Public Goods Capacity Development Foreign Assistance Research and Policy Caribbean Development Monitoring and Evaluation Economic Integration Partnerships Inter-American Development Bank