As a commendable step forward, and in order to gain support for its Local Government Reform Agenda, the Government of Trinidad & Tobago (Ministry of Local Government) has issued this Draft White Paper which follows suit on the Vision 2020 program aiming toward the implementation of Regional Development and Sustainable Communities framework.
- Legislative reviews of bye-laws and regulations;
- Re-definition of the roles of the Ministry of Local Government and Municipal Corporations;
- Re-definition of boundaries, functions responsibilities;
- Corporate restructuring of the Ministry of Local Government and Municipal Corporations;
- Institutional Strengthening and capacity building;
- Determination of human resources/technical and key funding requirements;
- Delegation of operational activities from the Ministry Local Government to Municipal Corporations;
- De-linking of the regional corporations from the administrative structure of the Ministry of Local Government;
- Transfer of resources from ministries and departments to Local Government level;
- Determination of an agency, which will be responsible for Local Government bodies;