Volume No. 1 Issue No. 85Roseau – August 09, 2006Dominica Public to Decide on Future Relations with IMF Prime Minister Roosevelt Skeritt has announced that he will let the Dominican public decide on the future direction of Dominica’s relationship with the IMF. The Dominica leader told local reporters that his government would soon embark on a series of town hall and public meetings in order to s solicit the public’s views on the mater.
According to Prime minister Skeritt, the public would be asked to decide among three alternatives: (a) for Dominica to extend its formal relationship with the IMF through a Poverty Reduction and Growth facility (PRGF) Arrangement, which is slated to end in December of this year; (b) to enter into an informal relationship with the Fund but soliciting the Fund’s policy advice (c) some other arrangement that would involve a very limited involvement of the IMF in the affairs of the country.
The Prime Minister did not indicate how long the process is expected to take or when an announcement will be made concerning the outcome of the consultations.
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