First Intensive Course in Latin America and the Caribbean on Gender, Macro and International Economics
Event Type: Course or Workshop
Date: 25.08.06 – 08.09.06
Location: Mexico – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, DF.
The course is directed to people with an M.A degree in Economics or equivalent studies, that work as specialists in Gender and Economics, professionals, social organizations or public employees.
The seminar will provide 25 scholarships, and the number of places available is restricted. Those interested in applying should register before 29 May 2006 through the web page, where more detailed information is available. The students accepted will be notified by the end of June.
The program, requirements and registration forms are available at
The seminar has the support of a number of highly regarded professionals. In regard to its financial backing it has the invaluable financial support of the following international institutions: IDRC, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, UNIFEM, and Ford Foundation.
Sponsored by: International Working Group on Gender, Macroeconomics and International Economics (GEM-IWC)
For more details, visit the event web page.
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