June, 10 - 9:17 AM
DR's Poverty Statistis not reliable
SANTO DOMINGO.- The Dominican Republic lacks reliable statistics to measure poverty levels because the systems used to follow up on life conditions are among the weakest in Latin America, "inferior to many less developed counties".
As cited by the Report on Poverty in Dominican Republic, elaborated by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (I.A.D.B.).
In order to make this study, the technicians used the National Work Force Survey, done by the Central Bank between 1997 and 2004, as well as the Life Conditions Survey, done in the first quarter of 2004.
The first is the only one that allows consistent comparisons in time, while the second one, doesn’t allow for data follow up, because it was elaborated at a time when the country lived a deep crisis.
The National Planning Office director announced that the Government has approved financing from the World Bank for US$10 million to reform the National Statistics Office, which will be turned in to an Institute equipped with sufficient personnel and infrastructure
Dominican Today - Portal Alta Tecnologia