March 1- June 7, 2006
The Community Empowerment and Social Inclusion Program (CESI), the LCR Civil Society Team, and the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN), together with the Carter Center, will conduct a second regional dialogue on access to information and transparency issues in Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. This dialogue – which constitutes the second phase of an initiative that connected Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua between February and May 2005 - will take place through 4 video-conferencing sessions to be held on March 1, April 4, May 3 and June 7. The activity is designed upon the results of the previous stage and will aim at strengthening inclusive governance through the effective implementation of access to information laws.
This activity is being financed by the Bank Netherlands Partnership Program (BNPP) Trust Fund.
For information on Phase I of the Regional Dialogue click here
To access the VLE for the Citizen Participation and Governance Initiative for Latin America and the Caribbean click here
To learn further about the support to access to public information by the WB's Civil Society Team for Latin America & the Caribbean click here
To Access the Objectives, the Agenda, Participants and Materials, click here: Phase II