Dookeran: State should protect children and mothers
RALPH BANWARIE Monday, May 22 2006
Winston Dookeran, United National Congress Political Leader, said the state needs to put structures in place to protect the abused, the most vulnerable children and their mothers.
He made this statement at the Bridge of Hope Children’s Home at James Smart Village, Sangre Chiquito on Saturday in the wake of the killing of four-year-old Emily Anaman-thodo. He said that the Government has failed through its complete lack of social services and Emily’s case exposes this.
He added the solution in solving child abuse and domestic violence is not in handing out groceries, offering meals at soup kitchens or in CEPEP and URP jobs. “These are cosmetic and not workable,” he said.
What is required, he said is a real comprehensive plan that tackles the problems at all levels. In Emily’s case he said that the state had several opportunities to save her.
“Firstly neighbours knew what was happening but were afraid to report it. Where were the community police?” He added that the hospital authorities also knew about Emily’s problem.