RALPH BANWARIE Monday, April 10 2006
Krishna Ramkumar, Chairman of the National Commission for Self Help (NCSH) praised parents of the SWAHA Hindu College for the support they had given to the school’s extension project, saying that self-help is much more than building roads and bridges or installing water mains.
He said there is neither favour nor prejudice where their projects are concerned. “It is people recognising their inter-connectedness, making the conscious decision to come together, identifying solutions and taking the initiative to implement them,” he said.
Ramkumar was speaking at the Commissioning of the Tulsi Manas Mandir at Coalmine, Sangre Grande last Friday. He noted it is always good when parents take an active role and show support for the school attended by their children. The National Commission For Self Help partnered with SWAHA, giving $85,000 for the successful completion of the tiling of the temple, staff room and library.
According to Ramkumar, National Commission for Self Help has been in operation for the past 18 years and he boasted that their work was focused on sustainable development of communities across Trinidad and Tobago.
He added that self-help programmes provide communities with the opportunity to participate in nation-building and make a noticeable difference for the benefit of their fellowmen by helping to meet their basic needs. Ramkumar also praised members of the SWAHA board for giving up their place of worship to accommodate the students whilst their school was under construction.