The PRI has recently released the final publications from its social capital project. What is social capital? Who benefits – and who does not? Is there a role for government? How can we measure it? Examining the potential of the concept of social capital to inform policy development and evaluation, the publications offer a clear framework for the analysis of the concept, identify policy and program areas where social capital makes a difference, and offer a strategic set of recommendations for testing new approaches, improved measurement, and policy action.
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On the PRI's web site, the following publications are available for free download:
• Social Capital: A Tool for Public Policy. Briefing Note.
Provides a concise and accessible executive summary of the Project's findings and recommendations.
• Social Capital as a Public Policy Tool. Project Report.
Provides a detailed synthesis of the activities, findings, and recommendations.
• Social Capital in Action. Thematic Policy Studies.
Provides an investigation of the role of social capital in eight specific policy areas: poverty reduction, aging well, settlement of new immigrants, education outcomes of Aboriginal youth, youth civic engagement, community crime prevention, policing in First Nations communities, community development.
• Measurement of Social Capital. Reference Document for Public Policy Research, Development, and Evaluation.
Provides a series of indicators, measurement tools and methodological strategies, to investigate social capital in a public policy context
The Policy Research Initiative's web site