We need your help! We are in the consultation phase of the Evaluation Gap draft. Your input will help ensure the success of the initiative. Take the Survey! Please help us by taking 10 minutes to complete our survey. We will post results in a few months to let you know how your comments helped shape our final report.
Sign up for our E-update to be sure to receive survey results and news of major milestones. Accelerating social progress in low- and middle-income countries requires knowledge about what kinds of social programs are effective. Yet all too often, such basic knowledge is lacking because governments, development agencies, and foundations have few incentives to start and sustain the impact evaluations that generate this important information.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the "Evaluation Gap?"
"Don't Governments and Organizations Already Evaluate Their Work?"
"What Should the International Community Do?"
CGD Experts
Michael Kremer, Nancy Birdsall, Ruth Levine
© 2005 Center for Global Development.