
Preparing National Strategies to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals: A Handbook
The UN Millenium Project has electronically launched its UN Millennium Project's Handbook on preparing MDG-based national development strategies as called for in the outcome document of the 2005 World Summit. The Handbook translates the recommendations of the UN Millennium Project and lessons learned through the project's country advisory work into a user friendly "how-to" format that can assist countries initiating their own MDG-based strategies.
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Preparing National Strategies to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals: A Handbook
The UN Millenium Project has electronically launched its UN Millennium Project's Handbook on preparing MDG-based national development strategies as called for in the outcome document of the 2005 World Summit. The Handbook translates the recommendations of the UN Millennium Project and lessons learned through the project's country advisory work into a user friendly "how-to" format that can assist countries initiating their own MDG-based strategies.
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